Century Library Documentation

What is Century?

Let’s say you’d like to write a simple script to work with a certain page on the University of Florida website. What may seem like a simple task could very well prove quite complicated: you’ll have to handle authentication, cookies, redirects, and often times broken html. When it comes down to it, UF’s webpages don’t play well with scripting.

Century handles automation of the UF site, and does it for you with an extensible, documented API. Now you can write that app, without worrying about where you’re going to get the data from. Tasks that took a few thousand lines of code now only take a couple hundred. We’re here to make what should’ve been an open system, open.

Please note that we are not affiliated with the University of Florida in any way. This API is unofficial, and unsupported by UF. If you manage to get in trouble while using it, it’s your own fault.


Indices and tables